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The Drug Rediscovery Protocol (DRUP Trial)

This is a prospective, non-randomized clinical trial that aims to describe the efficacy and toxicity of commercially available, targeted anticancer drugs* prescribed for treatment of patients with advanced cancer.


08/01/2016 until 09/01/2027


The Drug Rediscovery Protocol



Reference code


Intervention model

Parallel Assignment

Full description

This is a prospective, non-randomized clinical trial that aims to describe the efficacy and toxicity of commercially available, targeted anticancer drugs* prescribed for treatment of patients with advanced cancer with a potentially actionable variant as revealed by a genomic or protein expression test. The study also aims to simplify patient access to approved targeted therapies that are contributed to the program by collaborating pharmaceutical companies and to perform next generation sequencing on tumor biopsies for biomarker analyses. Eligible patients have an advanced solid tumor, multiple myeloma or B cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma for which standard treatment options are no longer available and acceptable performance status and organ function. A genomic or protein expression test must have been performed on the tumor and the results must identify at least one potentially actionable molecular variant as defined in the protocol. Results from the molecular profiling test will be used to determine an appropriate drug(s) from among those available in the protocol. The choice of drug will be supported by a list of potential profiles, a molecular tumor board, a knowledge library and by study coordinators for review and approval of the match. The protocol-specified treatment will be administered to the patient once any drug-specific eligibility criteria are confirmed and a fresh pre-treatment biopsy is performed for future genetic studies. All patients who receive treatment with a drug available in the protocol will be followed for standard efficacy outcomes including tumor response, progression-free and overall survival as well as duration of treatment. In addition, treatment related toxicity will be evaluated.

Inclusion criteria

Adult (age >18 years) patient with a histologically-proven locally advanced or metastatic solid tumor, multiple myeloma or B cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma who is no longer benefitting from standard anti-cancer treatment or for whom no such treatment is available or indicated. * For GBM patients: Histologically confirmed recurrent or de novo glioblastoma (primary), with unequivocal first progression after radiotherapy and concurrent/adjuvant chemotherapy, at least 3 months after the concomitant part of the chemo-radiotherapy, and with stable or decreasing dosage of steroids for at least 7 days prior to the baseline MRI scan. ECOG performance status 0-2 Patients must have acceptable organ function as defined below. However, specific inclusion/exclusion criteria specified in the drug-specific study manual will take precedence: Absolute neutrophil count ≥ 1.5 x 109/l Hemoglobin > 5.6 mmol/l Platelets > 75 x 109/l Total bilirubin < 2 x ULN AST (SGOT) and ALT (SGPT) < 2.5 x institutional ULN (or < 5 x ULN in patients with known hepatic metastases) Serum creatinine ≤ 1.5 × ULN or calculated or measured creatinine clearance ≥ 50 mL/min/1.73 m2 Patients must have objectively evaluable or measurable disease (by physical or radiographic examination, according to RECIST v1.1 for patients with solid tumors, or according to IMWG, Lugano, RANO or GCIG criteria, resp., for patients with multiple myeloma, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, glioblastoma or ovarian cancer in case of CA125-based evaluation (please refer to appendices for further details) [16, 17]. Results must be available from a tumor genomic or protein expression test. Eligible tests may include any of the following technologies: fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), polymerase chain reaction (PCR), comparative genomic hybridization (CGH), next generation sequencing (NGS) or immunohistochemistry (IHC). The test may have been performed on the primary tumor or a metastatic deposit, in a diagnostic laboratory or within the context of another CPCT study, and must reveal a potentially actionable variant as defined in Section 5. The test results (full pathology or molecular diagnostics report) must be uploaded in the eCRF. Patients must have a tumor profile for which single agent treatment with one of the EMA approved targeted anti-cancer drugs included in this study has potential clinical benefit based on preclinical data or clinical information (see section 5). A new (obtained ≤2 months before inclusion, and without any type of anti-cancer therapy within those ≤2 months ) fresh frozen tumor biopsy specimen for extensive biomarker testing is mandatory before the start of treatment with a targeted agent included in the protocol. *For GBM patients: The mandatory fresh frozen tumor biopsy sample can be obtained through standard-of-care surgical procedures (i.e., performed at progression, for cytoreduction, to proof progressive disease, or to reduce mass effect on the surrounding brain tissue). Thus, surgical procedures are standard-of-care and not part of trial participation. Fresh frozen tumor tissue must have been obtained ≤2 months before inclusion, and without any type of anti-cancer therapy within those ≤2 months. After surgical procedures, patients must meet the following inclusion criteria: i. Surgery must have confirmed the recurrence. ii. A post-surgery MRI should be available within 48 hours following surgery, and must show residual and measurable disease. iii. Craniotomy or intracranial biopsy site must be adequately healed free of drainage or cellulitis, and the underlying cranioplasty must appear intact at the time of study inclusion. Ability to understand and the willingness to sign a written informed consent document. For orally administered drugs, the patient must be able to swallow and tolerate oral medication and must have no known malabsorption syndrome. Because of the risks of drug treatment to the developing foetus, women of child-bearing potential and men must agree to use adequate contraception (hormonal or barrier method of birth control; abstinence) for the duration of study participation, and for four months following completion of study therapy. Male patients should avoid impregnating a female partner. Male patients, even if surgically sterilized, (i.e. post-vasectomy) must agree to one of the following: practice effective barrier contraception during the entire study treatment period and through 4 months after the last dose of study drug, or completely abstain from sexual intercourse.

Exclusion criteria

Ongoing toxicity > grade 2, other than alopecia. Patient is receiving any other anti-cancer therapy (cytotoxic, biologic, radiation, or hormonal other than for replacement) except for medications that are prescribed for supportive care but may potentially have an anti-cancer effect (e.g., megestrol acetate, bisphosphonates). These medications must have been started ≥ 1 week prior to enrollment on this study. Patient is pregnant or nursing. Patients with known active progressive brain metastases. Patients with previously treated brain metastases are eligible, provided that the patient has not experienced a seizure or had a clinically significant change in neurological status within the 3 months prior to registration. All patients with previously treated brain metastases must be stable for at least 1 month after completion of treatment and off steroid treatment prior to study enrollment. * Additional exclusion criteria specific for glioblastoma patients: Patients who require anti-convulsant therapy must be taking non-enzyme inducing antiepileptic drugs (non-EIAED). EIAED are prohibited. Patients previously on EIAED must be switched to non-EIAED at least 2 weeks prior to randomization. No radiotherapy within the three months prior to the diagnosis of progression. No radiotherapy with a dose over 65 Gy, stereotactic radiosurgery or brachytherapy unless the recurrence is histologically proven. Patients with clinically significant preexisting cardiac conditions, including uncontrolled or symptomatic angina, uncontrolled atrial or ventricular arrhythmias, or symptomatic congestive heart failure are not eligible. Patients with known left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) < 40% are not eligible Patients with stroke (including TIA) or acute myocardial infarction within 3 months before the first dose of study treatment are not eligible Patients with any other clinically significant medical condition which, in the opinion of the treating physician, makes it undesirable for the patient to participate in the study or which could jeopardize compliance with study requirements including, but not limited to: ongoing or active infection, significant uncontrolled hypertension, or severe psychiatric illness/social situations.


Meander Medical Center Recruiting Amersfoort, Utrecht, Netherlands, 3818 ES Contact: H.J. Bloemendal, MD Principal Investigator: G.A. Cirkel, MD Noordwesr ziekenhuis Alkmaar (NWZ) Recruiting Alkmaar, Netherlands Contact: M.P. Hendriks, MD, PhD Principal Investigator: M.P. Hendriks, MD, PhD Ziekehuisgroep Twente Recruiting Almelo, Netherlands Contact: Siemerik Principal Investigator: Siemerik Netherlands Cancer Institute Recruiting Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1066CX Contact: E.E. Voest, prof.    0031205129111 Contact: L. Zeverijn, MD    0031205129111 VUMC Recruiting Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1081 HV Contact: M Labots Principal Investigator: M Labots Amsterdam UMC Recruiting Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1105AZ Contact: Adriaan Bins, MD, PhD Principal Investigator: A Bins, MD, PhD Onze Lieve Vrouwe Gasthuis (OLVG) Recruiting Amsterdam, Netherlands Contact: E.D. Kerver Principal Investigator: E.D. Kerver Gelre ziekehuizen Recruiting Apeldoorn, Netherlands Contact: S.C.S. Tromp Principal Investigator: S.C.S. Tromp Rijnstate Recruiting Arnhem, Netherlands Contact: van Voorthuizen Principal Investigator: van Voorthuizen Amphia Hospital Recruiting Breda, Netherlands Contact: H. Westgeest, MD, PhD Principal Investigator: H. Westgeest, MD, PhD Reiner de Graaf Gasthuis Recruiting Delft, Netherlands Contact: V.O. Dezentje Principal Investigator: V.O. Dezentje Haaglanden medisch centrum Recruiting Den Haag, Netherlands Contact: Jeurissen Principal Investigator: Jeurissen Haga ziekehuis Recruiting Den Haag, Netherlands Contact: Hautsma Principal Investigator: Hautsma Deventer ziekenhuis Recruiting Deventer, Netherlands Contact: Imholz Principal Investigator: Imholz Ziekehuis Nij Smellinghe Recruiting Drachten, Netherlands Contact: Hovenga Principal Investigator: Hovenga Ziekehuis Gelderse Vallei Recruiting Ede, Netherlands Contact: de Mol Principal Investigator: dr Mol Maxima Medisch Centrum Recruiting Eindhoven, Netherlands, 5631 BM Contact: G Vreugdenhil, MD, PhD Principal Investigator: G Vreugdenhil, MD, PhD Orbis Concern Recruiting Geleen, Netherlands, 6162 BG Contact: F L Erdkamp, MD Principal Investigator: F L Erdkamp, MD Rivas zorggroep Recruiting Gorinchem, Netherlands Contact: M.A. Davidis Principal Investigator: M.A. Davidis Martini Recruiting Groningen, Netherlands Contact: van Rooijen Principal Investigator: van Rooijen University Medical Center Groningen Recruiting Groningen, Netherlands Contact: D.J.A. de Groot, MD, PhD Principal Investigator: D.J.A. de Groot, MD, PhD Spaarne gasthuis Recruiting Haarlem, Netherlands Contact: G.J. de Klerk Principal Investigator: G.J. de Klerk Treant zorggroep Recruiting Hoogeveen, Netherlands Contact: Oldenhuis Principal Investigator: Oldenhuis Medisch Centrum Leeuwaarden Recruiting Leeuwarden, Netherlands Contact: de Graaf Principal Investigator: de Graaf Leiden University Medical Center Recruiting Leiden, Netherlands Contact: A.J. Gelderblom, MD, PhD Principal Investigator: A.J. Gelderblom, MD, PhD Maastricht University Medical Center Recruiting Maastricht, Netherlands Contact: A. Hoeben, MD, PhD Principal Investigator: A. Hoeben, MD, PhD St. Antonius ziekhuis Recruiting Nieuwegein, Netherlands Contact: Los Principal Investigator: Los Radboud umc Recruiting NIjmegen, Netherlands, 6225GA Contact: C.M.L. van Herpen, MD, PhD Principal Investigator: H Verheul, MD, PhD Bravis Recruiting Roosendaal, Netherlands Contact: Boudewijn Principal Investigator: Boudewijn St. Fransicus Gasthuis Recruiting Rotterdam, Netherlands, 3045 PM Contact: A P Hamberg, MD Principal Investigator: A P Hamberg, MD Erasmus MC Recruiting Rotterdam, Netherlands Contact: M.J.A. de Jonge, MD, PhD Principal Investigator: M.J.A. de Jonge, MD, PhD St. Elisabeth Recruiting Tilburg, Netherlands, 5022 GC Contact: L.V. Beerepoot, MD, PhD Principal Investigator: L.V. Beerepoot, MD, PhD University Medical Center Utrecht Recruiting Utrecht, Netherlands, 3584CX Contact: M.H.G. Langenberg, MD, PhD Principal Investigator: L Devriese, MD, PhD Viecuri Recruiting Venray, Netherlands Contact: van der wouw Principal Investigator: van der Wouw Isala Recruiting Zwolle, Netherlands Contact: de Groot Principal Investigator: de Groot


Contact: E.E. Voest, prof. 0031205129111 Contact: D.L. vd Velden, MD 0031205129111

Three Versus Five Years of Adjuvant Imatinib as Treatment of Patients With Operable GIST

Patients who have been diagnosed with GIST and have been treated with adjuvant imatinib for 3 years after surgery will be randomly allocated in a 1:1 ratio to receive imatinib (Gleevec) for 2 more years (Arm A) or to stop imatinib (Arm B).


05/01/2015 until 08/01/2028


Three Versus Five Years of Adjuvant Imatinib as Treatment of Patients With Operable GIST



Reference code


Intervention model

Parallel Assignment

Full description

In this study, patients who have been diagnosed with gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) and have been treated with adjuvant imatinib for 3 years after surgery will be randomly allocated in a 1:1 ratio to receive imatinib (Gleevec) for 2 more years (Arm A) or to stop imatinib (Arm B). The study participants are required to have histologically verified GIST with a high risk of GIST recurrence despite removal of all macroscopic GIST tissue at surgery and 3 years of adjuvant imatinib. The high risk of GIST recurrence is defined as one of the following: gastric GIST with mitotic count >10/50 high power fields (HPFs) of the microscope, non-gastric GIST with mitotic count >5/50 HPFs, or tumor rupture. Study participants allocated to Arm A will receive imatinib 400 mg/day for 24 months after the date of randomization. All study participants will be followed up using blood tests and computerized tomography (or MRI) of the abdomen. The computerized tomography examinations will be performed at 6 month intervals. A total of 300 patients will be entered to the study. The study hypothesis is that adjuvant imatinib given for a total of 5 years may prevent some of the GISTs to recur as compared to patients who receive adjuvant imatinib for 3 years, and there may be a difference in the rate of GIST recurrence between the two groups.

Inclusion criteria

Age ≥ 18 years. Morphological and immunohistological documentation of GIST (immunostaining for KIT and/or DOG-1 positive, or mutation of KIT or PDGFRA present in tumor tissue). Macroscopically complete surgical resection of GIST (either R0 or R1 resection). Mutation analysis of KIT and PDGFR genes has been carried out. A high risk of GIST recurrence; either gastric GIST with mitotic count >10/50 HPFs, or non-gastric GIST with mitotic count >5/50 HPFs, or tumor rupture. Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status ≤ 2. Adequate organ function. Female patients of childbearing potential must have a negative pregnancy test within 14 days before initiation of study drug dosing. Postmenopausal women must have amenorrhea for at least 12 months to be considered of non-childbearing potential. Male and female patients of reproductive potential must agree to employ an effective barrier method of birth control throughout the study and for up to 3 months following discontinuation of study drug. Patient willing to be followed up at the study site regardless of the result of randomization. Patient has provided a written, voluntary informed consent prior to study-specific screening procedures.

Exclusion criteria

Presence of distant metastases or local recurrence of GIST. Not willing to donate tumor tissue and/or blood samples for the study molecular studies. Presence of a substitution mutation at PDGFRA codon D842 (usually D842V). Administration of adjuvant imatinib longer than for 3 years is planned regardless of the result of randomization, or “life long” imatinib administration is planned. Prior adjuvant (+ neoadjuvant) therapy with imatinib mesylate for at least 35 months has not been completed, or the total duration of prior adjuvant (+ neoadjuvant) imatinib administration exceeds the total duration of 37 months. Neoadjuvant imatinib for a duration that exceeds 9 months. Longer than 4-week break during adjuvant imatinib administration. The dose of imatinib at completion of 3 years of adjuvant imatinib was 200 mg per day or less or greater than 800 mg per day. Patient has received any investigational anti-cancer agents during adjuvant imatinib or between completion of adjuvant imatinib and the date of randomization. Patient has been free of another malignancy for less than 5 years except if the other malignancy is not currently clinically significant nor requiring active intervention, or if the other malignancy is a basal cell skin cancer or a cervical carcinoma in situ. Recent existence of any other malignant disease is not allowed. Patient with Grade III/IV cardiac disease as defined by the New York Heart Association Criteria (i.e., congestive heart failure, myocardial infarction within 6 months of study entry). Female patients who are pregnant or breast-feeding. Severe and/or uncontrolled medical disease (i.e., uncontrolled diabetes, severe chronic renal disease, or active uncontrolled infection). Known diagnosis of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. Patient with a significant history of non-compliance to medical regimens or with inability to grant reliable informed consent.


Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum (Leiden) Nederlands Kanker Instituut – Antoni van Leeuwenhoek (Amsterdam) Radboud Universitair Medisch Centrum (Nijmegen) Universitair Medisch Centrum Groningen (Groningen)  


Prof. dr. Gelderblom – LUMC

Validation of Mutation Analysis in Circulating Tumor DNA With a ddPCR Assay as Diagnostic and Follow-up Tool for Patients With a KIT Exon 11 Mutated GIST: GALLOP-11

In this observational, non-interventional, multicenter study regular 3-12 monthly follow-up by CT-scan will be compared to results of circulating tumor DNA analysis


05/11/2021 until 01/01/2024

Dutch Title

Onderzoek naar de optimalisering van de behandeling van Gastro-Intestinale Stroma tumoren (GIST) door het monitoren van mutaties in circulerend tumor DNA (ctDNA): GALLOP-11 studie



Reference code


Intervention model

Prospective observational cohort study

Full description

This is an observational, non-interventional, multicenter study. The study will be performed within the Dutch GIST consortium (NKI-AvL, Erasmus MC, Radboud UMC, LUMC and UMCG). Patients diagnosed with GIST with a KIT exon 11 mutations that can be detected by our ddPCR assay are eligible. In this way we will study a homogenous patient population with GIST that (usually) responds very well to initial TKI treatment. Therefore, the KIT mutation status must be known. Patients can enter the study at any time point of their disease trajectory. Patients included in GALLOP-11 will have follow-up as described in the European Society of Medical Oncology and Dutch guidelines but with blood draws for ctDNA assessment at similar time points. The primary objective is the negative predictive value (NPV) of the ddPCR assay result in relation to the results of the CT-scan and/or MRI scan (according to RECIST 1.1) at the same time point. Concordance of these results will be determined, from which the negative predictive value (NPV) of our ddPCR assay will be calculated. This is considered the most important value, as the most harmful scenario would be to miss progressive disease because not seen on ctDNA while it could have been seen on CT (and/or MRI). That would mean that ctDNA analysis is not reliable enough to replace CT-scan (and/or MRI) follow-up in the future. To determine the negative predictive value, at least 250 patients need to have an evaluable follow-up strategy. To pursue a solid follow-up period within an achievable timeline, patients with at least four ctDNA measurements, accompanied by a CT-scan (and/or MRI scan), will be considered evaluable for the NPV analysis. Patients who have progression within four scans are always evaluable, since a positive outcome outweighs negative outcomes because it is known that ctDNA should have had measured change once it is seen on CT-scans (and/or MRI scans).

Inclusion criteria

Patients with GIST with a biopsy confirmed primary KIT exon 11 mutation covered by our KIT exon 11 ddPCR assay (mutation/deletion within target sequence of c.1665_1736); Patients with an indication for at least 4 CT-scans concomitant with regular laboratory examination in a neoadjuvant, adjuvant and/or palliative care trajectory within the time frame of the study; Age ≥18 years; Written informed consent provided

Exclusion criteria

 Patients who are unable to comply with study procedures and follow up


Netherlands Cancer Institute Amsterdam, Netherlands Contact: N. Steeghs, MD, PhD Principal Investigator: N. Steeghs, MD, PhD University Medical Center Groningen Groningen, Netherlands Contact: A. K.L. Reyners, MD, PhD +31 50 361 6161 Contact: R. Bleckman, MD +31 50 361 6161 Principal Investigator: A. K.L. Reyners, MD, PhD LUMC Leiden, Netherlands Contact: A. J Gelderblom, MD, PhD Principal Investigator: A J Gelderblom, MD, PhD Radboud UMC Nijmegen, Netherlands Contact: I. Desar, MD, PhD Principal Investigator: I. Desar, MD, PhD Erasmus MC Rotterdam, Netherlands Contact: R HJ Mathijssen, MD, PhD Principal Investigator: R HJ Mathijssen, MD, PhD


A. K.L. Reyners, MD, PhD +31 50 361 6161 R.F Bleckman, MD +31 50 361 6161

The value of a risk prediction tool (PERSARC) for effective treatment decisions of soft tissue sarcomas patients.

To investigate the value of a risk prediction tool (PERSARC) for effective treatment decisions of soft tissue sarcomas patients.


08/01/2021 until 08/31/2024

Dutch title

De waarde van een risicovoorspellingstool (PERSARC) voor effectieve behandelbeslissingen voor patiënten met wekedelen sarcomen.



Reference code


Intervention model

High-grade extremity STS patients will either receive standard care (control group) or care with the use of PERSARC; i.e. PERSARC will be used in multidisciplinary tumour boards to guide treatment advice and in consultation in which the oncological/orthopaedic surgeon informs the patient about his/her diagnoses and discusses the benefits and harms of all relevant treatment options (intervention group).

Full description

Currently, there is no consensus about the optimal treatment for patients with high grade soft tissue sarcomas (STS) which are localized in the extremities. To ensure overall survival, there is a tendency to operate with wide resection margins, but this has a high impact on quality of life especially when limb function must be sacrificed. (Neo)adjuvant radiotherapy allows for narrower surgical margins but is associated with significant short -and long-term side-effects. As evidence on the best treatment is lacking, treatment choice for individual patients should be driven by their weighing of the benefits and harms of the treatment options in light of their personal situation. However, current treatment decision-making in STS care is one-size fits all, and not informed by individualized risks of treatment options and patients’ preferences. Consequently, there is no guarantee that patients with STS will receive treatment that is appropriate for their situation, and patients experience uncertainty about which treatment is best for their personal situation (decisional conflict). From literature it is known that decision supporting interventions contribute to a better informed choice and less decisional conflict. Therefore, our research group developed a validated personalized risk assessment tool (Personalised Sarcoma Care: PERSARC) which provides patients and STS professionals insight into the personalized risks and benefits of each treatment option based on patient’s age, tumor size, tumor depth and histology in their decision-making process. It is hypothesized that use of PERSARC leads to significantly less decisional conflict in patients and more informed decisions compared to usual care (treatment decisions without use of PERSARC) by reducing the uncertainty regarding risks and benefits of treatment options in high-grade extremity STS patients.

Inclusion criteria

Patients (>= 18 years) with primarily diagnosed (histologically confirmed) grade 2-3 extremity STS, who do not have a treatment plan yet and will be treated with curative intent. Patients with sarcoma subtypes or treatment options other than those mentioned in the PERSARC app are unable to participate. Furthermore, patients need to be Dutch fluency and literacy and mentally competent.

Exclusion criteria

Patient that are treated without curative intent Patient that needs to be treated with chemotherapy or isolated limb perfusion Patients were surgery is not indicated Sarcoma subtypes not mentioned in the PERSARC app


Name: Anouk Kruiswijk Email: Phone: 0631974532

Towards a Minimally Invasive Approach of Atypical Lipomatous Tumors: the MINIMALIS trial

To develop a minimally invasive approach of both diagnosing and treating atypical lipomatous tumors, saving these patients a biopsy, surgery-related complications and morbidities amongst others.


06/24/2020 until 06/24/2028

Dutch title

Op weg naar een minimaal invasieve benadering van atypische lipomateuze tumoren: de MINIMALIST studie



Intervention model

Prospective single center observational cohort study. Two-arm parallel assignment (active surveillance or surgery).

Full description

Rationale: Patients with an atypical lipomatous tumor (ALT) have an excellent prognosis, approaching 100% survival after 10 years of follow-up. Currently, we might be ‘overtreating’ these patients with surgery and radiotherapy, thereby inducing morbidity and even mortality. Despite this excellent prognosis, active surveillance is barely applied in these patients. Furthermore, survival might not be the only appropriate outcome to measure, and other outcomes, such as health-related quality of life (HRQoL), might have become more relevant. Second, it can be very difficult to distinguish between ALTs and lipomas based on imaging. Therefore, these patients currently need a painful and invasive biopsy for pathological examination to make the distinction. Finally, due to the rarity and heterogeneity of liposarcomas, it is a challenge to collect a large homogeneous set of tissue samples for translational research. Objective: The aim is to develop a minimally invasive approach of both diagnosing and treating ALTs, saving these patients a biopsy, surgery-related complications and morbidities amongst others. As a first step towards a minimally invasive diagnosis, a radiomics model was developed on a retrospective cohort to distinguish lipomas from ALTs based on MRI scans. In the current study, one of the objectives is to prospectively validate this radiomics model. Second, to prevent the ‘overtreatment’ of ALT patients, the aim is to explore the feasibility and safety of active surveillance (AS) as a treatment option for ALTs, including evaluating the HRQoL. Lastly, the objective is to build a biobank of the biopsies and, if applicable, resection specimens obtained during the study for future translational research.

Inclusion criteria

Aged ≥18 years Primary or recurrent lipomatous tumor suspected for lipoma or atypical lipomatous tumor Adequate understanding of the Dutch or English language (to fill out the HRQoL questionnaires)

Exclusion criteria

Tumor localization in the mediastinum, retroperitoneum or testis/scrotum Diagnosis through excisional biopsy Any type of treatment for the current tumor (i.e. in case of recurrence, treatment of the prior tumor(s) is allowed) Signs/suspicion of dedifferentiation in the biopsy specimen at time of diagnosis Unable to undergo regular MRI-scans (for example because of a pacemaker, claustrophobia) Systemic treatment for any other concurrent malignancy Currently receiving radiotherapy at affected site for other concurrent disease Incapable to understand the study, to sign informed consent or to fill out the HRQoL-questionnaires


Name: Anne-Rose Schut Email: Phone: 010 704 12 23

Surgery With Our Without Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in High Risk RetroPeritoneal Sarcoma

This is a multicenter, randomized, open label phase lll trial to assess whether preoperative chemotherapy, as an adjunct to curative-intent surgery, improves the prognosis of high risk DDLPS and LMS measured by DFS.


10/06/2020 until 04/21/2027

Dutch title

Chirurgie met of zonder neo-adjuvante chemotherapie in hoog risico retroperitoneale sarcomen.



Reference code


Intervention model

Standard arm: Large en-bloc curative-intent surgery within 4 weeks following randomization- Experimental arm Experimental arm: 3 cycles of neoadjuvant chemotherapy starting within 2 weeks following randomization: High grade LPS: ADM (doxorubicin) 75 mg/m2 (or the equivalent EpiADM 120 mg/m2) + ifosfamide 9 g/m3 Q3 weeks. LMS: ADM 75 mg/m2 + DTIC (dacarbazine) 1 g/m2 Q3 weeks re-assessment of operability curative-intent surgery within 3-6 weeks of last cycle of chemotherapy

Full description

This is a multicenter, randomized, open label phase lll trial to assess whether preoperative chemotherapy, as an adjunct to curative-intent surgery, improves the prognosis of high risk DDLPS (dedifferentiated Liposarcoma) and LMS (Leiomyosarcoma) patients as measured by disease free survival. After confirmation of eligibility criteria, patients will be randomized to either the standard arm or experimental arm.

Inclusion criteria

Histologically proven primary high risk leiomyosarcoma (LMS) or Liposarcoma (LPS) of retroperitoneal space or infra-peritoneal spaces of pelvis. LMS: Grades 2 and 3 of LMS can be included Minimum size of LMS tumor should be 5 cm LPS: Diagnosis should be confirmed based on MDM2 (Mouse double minute 2 homolog) and CDK4 (Cyclin-dependent kinase 4) expression on IHC (immunohistochemistry), while proof of MDM2 amplification is highly recommended. All grade 3 DDLPS can be included. DDLPS with confirmed grade 2 on biopsy can be included when: The grade 2 DDLPS has an FNCLCC score=5 (Fédération Nationale des Centres de Lutte Contre Le Cancer), has no necrosis on the biopsy but clear necrosis on imaging. The tumors carry a high risk gene profile as determined by the Complexity INdex in SARComas (CINSARC-high) Representative formalin fixed, paraffin embedded tumor blocks or unstained tissue slides must be available at baseline for histological central review. Unifocal tumor Absence of extension through the sciatic notch or across the diaphragm Resectable tumor: resectability is based on pre-operative imaging (CT-abdomen, potentially also with MRI) and has to be defined by the local treating sarcoma team. A patients is not considered resectable when the expectation is that only an R2 resection is feasible. Criteria for non-resectability are: Involvement of the superior mesenteric artery, aorta, coeliac trunk and/or portal vein Involvement of bone Growth into the spinal canal Progression of retro-hepatic inferior vena cava leiomyosarcoma towards the right atrium Infiltration of multiple major organs like liver, pancreas and/or major vessels Tumor not previously treated (no previous surgery (excluding diagnostic biopsy), radiotherapy or systemic therapy) Patient must have radiologically measurable disease (RECIST 1.1), as confirmed by imaging within the 28 days prior to randomization. CT thorax abdomen pelvis with IV contrast is the preferred imaging modality. In case of any contra-indications (medical or regulatory), it is allowed to perform a non-contrast CT thorax + MRI abdomen & pelvis. ≥ 18 years old (no upper age limit) WHO (World Health Organization) performance status ≤ 2 Adequate haematological and organ function: Haematological: haemoglobin > 9.0 g/dL or 5.6 mmol/L, absolute neutrophils > 1.5 x 109/L, platelets > 100 x 109/L Note: Platelet transfusions is allowed to achieve these baseline values Renal: estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) > 50 ml/min/m2; No proteinuria CTCAE ≥ grade 2; Hepatic: Bilirubin ≤ 1.0 times upper limit of normal (1.0xULN) of institutional limits, ALT (alanine aminotransferase) and/or AST (aspartate transaminase) ≤1.5 x ULN. If isolated elevated bilirubin <2 x ULN and Gilberts syndrome suspected, suggest repeating bloods after food. If bilirubin improves to meet the criteria above this is acceptable. More severe persistent hepatic impairment of whatever cause would exclude the patient from treatment till resolved. Heart: Clinically normal cardiac function based on left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF ≥ 50%) as assessed either by multi-gated acquisition scan (MUGA) or cardiac ultrasound and 12 lead ECG without clinically relevant abnormalities. American Society of Anesthesiologist (ASA) score < 3 Women of child bearing potential (WOCBP) must have a negative serum pregnancy test within 7 days prior to the first dose of study treatment or surgery. Note: a woman is considered of childbearing potential (WOCBP), i.e. fertile, following menarche and until becoming post menopausal unless permanently sterile. Permanent sterilisation methods include hysterectomy, bilateral salpingectomy and bilateral oophorectomy. A postmenopausal state is defined as no menses for 12 months without an alternative medical cause. A high follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) level in the postmenopausal range may be used to confirm a post-menopausal state in women not using hormonal contraception or hormonal replacement therapy. However in the absence of 12 months of amenorrhea, a single FSH measurement is insufficient. 15. Patients of childbearing / reproductive potential should use highly effective birth control             measures, as defined by the investigator, during the study treatment period and for at                   least 6 months after the last dose of treatment or date of surgery. A highly effective                         method of birth control is defined as a method which results in a low failure rate (i.e. less             than 1% per year) when used consistently and correctly. Such methods include: Combined (oestrogen and progestogen containing) hormonal contraception associated with inhibition of ovulation (oral, intravaginal, transdermal) Progestogen-only hormonal contraception associated with inhibition of ovulation (oral, injectable, implantable) Intrauterine device (IUD) Intrauterine hormone-releasing system (IUS) Bilateral tubal occlusion Vasectomized partner Sexual abstinence (the reliability of sexual abstinence needs to be evaluated in relation to the duration of the clinical trial and the preferred and usual lifestyle of the patient) Female subjects who are breast feeding should discontinue nursing prior to the first day of study treatment and until 6 months after the last study treatment. Before patient registration/randomization, written informed consent must be given according to ICH/GCP, and national/local regulations.

Exclusion criteria

Sarcoma originated from bone structure, abdominal or gynecological viscera Metastatic disease Tumors with extension through the sciatic notch or across the diaphragm Hypersensitivity to doxorubicin, ifosfamide, dacarbazine or to any of their metabolites or to any of their excipients Persistent myelosuppression Myocardial infarction within the last 6 months Uncontrolled cardiac arrhythmia Previous treatment with maximum cumulative doses (450mg/m² Doxorubicin or equivalent 900mg/m² EpiADM) of doxorubicin, daunorubicin, epirubicin, idarubicin, and/or other anthracyclines and anthracenediones Active and uncontrolled infections Vaccination with live vaccines within 30 days prior to study entry Inflammation of the urinary bladder (interstitial cystitis) and/or obstructions of the urine flow. Other invasive malignancy within 5 years, with the exception of adequately treated non-melanoma skin cancer, localized cervical cancer, localized and presumably cured prostate cancer. Uncontrolled severe illness, infection,medical condition (including, uncontrolled diabetes or hypertension), other than the Primary LPS or LMS of the retroperitoneum. Female patients who are pregnant or breastfeeding or female and male patients of reproductive potential who are not willing to employ effective birth control method. Any psychological, familial, sociological or geographical condition potentially hampering compliance with the study protocol and follow-up schedule; those conditions should be discussed with the patient before randomization in the trial Known contraindication to imaging tracer and to MRI

Short Course Of Preoperative Radiotherapy in Head and Neck-, Trunk- and Extremity Soft Tissue Sarcomas (SCOPES)

The SCOPES study: Towards reducing the treatment burden for soft tissue sarcoma patients


06/25/2021 until 04/01/2034

Dutch title

Kortdurende pre-operatieve radiotherapie bij hoofd- en nek-, romp- en extremiteiten weke delen sarcomen



Reference code


Intervention model

Randomization between the standard arm A of 50 Gy in 5 weeks or arm B with hypofractination of 14x3Gy

Full description

Currently, soft tissue sarcomas (STS) are preoperatively irradiated in a conventionally fractionated regimen of 25 x 2 Gy in five weeks. Recent radiobiological investigations, however, suggest sensitivity to (modest) hypofractionation. Within this study, patients will be randomized to receive either the conventional schedule of 25 x 2 Gy or a shorter preoperative regimen of 14 x 3 Gy, in the hypothesis that both the postoperative wound complication rate until 30 days after surgery, as well as the local control probability at two years are comparable in both arms.

Inclusion criteria

For inclusion criteria, please click here to continue to the IKNL website

Exclusion criteria

For exclusion cirteria, please click here to continue to the IKNL website

Registration study on bone and soft tissue sarcoma

To prospectively and retrospectively collect data of patients with bone or soft tissue sarcoma in the Netherlands to improve the knowledge and therefore the treatment care.

Dutch title

Een lange termijn onderzoek naar de behandeling en uitkomsten van bot en weke delen sarcomen


Registration study sarcoma

Reference code


Intervention model

Observational study (observational cohort study)

Full Description

To prospectively and retrospectively collect data of patients with bone or soft tissue sarcoma in the Netherlands to improve the knowledge and therefore the treatment care. Besides to create a continuous basis for a large variety of research purposes including prognostic and predictive research, health care policies and cost-effectiveness studies.

Inclusion criteria

Age ≥ 18 years Histologically proven bone or soft tissue sarcoma, excluding Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumours

Exclusion criteria

Altered mental status that would prohibit the understanding of any giving of informed consent

Locations Netherlands

Radboudumc Radiotherapiegroep


Name: dr. P.M. Braam E-mail: Phone: +31-243614515 Address: Radboudumc, Geert Grooteplein Zuid 32, 6525 GA Nijmegen


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International prospective registry on local treatment approaches in myxoid liposarcomas

To prospectively study commonly used local treatment approaches in Myxoid Liposarcoma (MLS)


01/18/2021 until 01/01/2031

Dutch title

Internationale prospectieve registratie voor lokale behandelingen in myxoid liposarcomen


Doremy Registry

Reference code


Intervention model

Observational cohort study

Full description

In order to confirm the promising results of the 36 Gy dose level in the DOREMY trial (NCT02106312) and to compare outcome with other local treatment approaches

Inclusion criteria

Age > 18 years By biopsy proven myxoid liposarcoma Performance score ECOG 0-2 Written informed consent to share coded information in this international Registry

Exclusion criteria

Prior radiotherapy to target area Pregnancy

Locations Netherlands

The Netherlands Cancer Institute Academisch Medisch Centrum Universitair Medisch Centrum Groningen Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum Maastro Clinic Radboudumc


Name: dr. R.L.M. Haas E-mail: Phone: +31 (0)205129111 Address: NKI-AVL, Plesmanlaan 121, 1066 CX Amsterdam


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